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The NFS Group

The NFS Group

Business consultancy in Switzerland

The NFS Group is a business and strategy consultancy company, created by combining many years of expertise in the tax, trust and legal fields, to offer an integrated and up-to-date service.

We pay constant attention to regulatory developments and experienced experts in the field are your point of reference for corporate and private management of accounts, tax, legal issues, HR and administration.

Thanks to our partnership with Swiss technology leader Abacus, the accounting management software for companies of all sizes and sectors, we can help you digitise your processes and are at your side to promote the entrepreneurial spirit that enhances human creativity and ensures business continuity: Make Future.

16 Associates
35 Years of experience
4 Languages spoken
Our promise

Make Future

To "Make Future" is our promise: we will support entrepreneurs and companies with our expertise, to ensure that they can focus their energies on strategy, value creation and value retention.

We aim to offer a new kind of business consultancy, one far removed from the outdated figure of a single professional (be it a lawyer, accountant or bookkeeper). We digitise procedures to make things easier for our clients, ensuring better management of their business organisation and communications with their own clients in turn. 

We promote Abacus, Swiss accountancy management software and related products for companies of all sizes and sectors.

This ensures streamlined processes and agile bureaucracy management, in accordance with Swiss legislation.

Our integrated consultancy create the companies of the future
, that can generate value and sustain it over time.

The Team

Our people


Joel Scolari
Founder & CEO
avv. Rupen Nacaroglu
Founder & Head of Legal Department
Gianluca Foglia
Biagio Giugliano
Business Development Manager
Andrea Renggli
Tax attorney
Elisa Sangiorgi
Deputy Director
Valentino Catena
Deputy Director

Chi siamo

Il management

Joel Scolari
Founder & CEO
avv. Rupen Nacaroglu
Founder & Head of Legal
Gianluca Foglia
Roberto Verrengia
Biagio Giugliano
Business Development Manager
Andrea Renggli

Our Team

Giovanni AntoniniLegal
Sacha CecconiAccountant
Anaïs CornoltiExecutive Assistant
Chiara Dellea

Executive Assistant

Alice FontanaAccountant
Kevin KöllikerAccountant and tax consultant
Jirayu MinattiAccountant
Jasmine MorandiTax consultant

Our values

We deal in innovation
Our new method of integrated consultancy keeps abreast of technology to transform processes and enhance creativity.

We promote change
In a fast-moving, constantly changing world, only companies that proactively embrace change in the macro and micro economic environment will be able to create value and maintain it over time.

We choose to be agile
We favour horizontal organisational structures where people take responsibility for facilitating decision-making processes to make companies agile and proactive. 

We act with integrity
We rigorously follow the professional codes of conduct that govern our various areas of expertise, in the interest of our clients with an eye to the future.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”

Michael Jordan

Why choose us?

We’re an integrated team

All-round strategic consultancy that meets your business’s every need. 


We promote technology to streamline and improve business processes.

Sector expertise

We are a team of experienced consultants with in-depth knowledge of current regulations. 


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